Thursday, July 21, 2011

Spinach Salad and Other Musings

I came across this recipe the other day while reading this adorable blog and it's a MUST make! We've eaten it about 5 times in the past 2 weeks and we're not sick of it! It's so easy, but be careful making the nuts! They could turn out like this....
Not so yummy when cooked Heather style! ;)

We went back home to Panama City for the 4th and my sweet Auntie took these pictures of the family on the beach...

It was a little bright, hence the squinting faces, next time we'll be trying the sunset time for pictures :)

Are you all on Pinterest, if not, go check it out! I love it! It's little snippets from all kinds of blogs in one place, like a big bulletin board of likes! Lots of inspiration on there.

I'll leave you with a picture of our little monkey...

Have a great weekend! We're looking forward to our friends Dawn, Jeremy and Avrie coming to town, it's been too long since we've seen them!


1 comment:

Simply Southern said...

love the family photos.. and love fly through the window blog