Friday, September 16, 2011

8 Month Update

So, it's a week late...better late than never...

I know I always start out with your getting so big, so fast, but it's TRUE!! Every month you seem to learn more and more, right in front of our eyes, it's amazing how fast time goes with a little one!

So, a short while after this picture, which is the day you officially turned 8 months, I broke some toes running to get the camera to take ANOTHER picture! Now, that's how you celebrate!! ;)

Here is the shot I just had to have...

Which is cute, you stealing my cheerios and peach, but broken toe good??

Here are the monthly block pictures, which are getting MUCH harder to do, but you get the idea..that adorable dress you have on was made by me and supervised by Grandmommy. :) First outfit sewn by Mama, perfect for watching Alabama football with Dada!

8 Month Recap:
Thankfully, you are NOT walking! You are very good at shuffling along furniture and that is more than enough to keep Mommy and Daddy very busy! You can also sit up from laying down on your back and you say MAMA now!!! Yay!!! So cute! I've seen you stand for a second without holding on, but only a quick second, it won't be long before you have a new trick. You do have a new trick that you love showing can wave and you love when people clap and a cheer you on to wave more. Did I mention you are a human billy goat??!! Oh my goodness!! You eat everything in site! I don't know how high up I'm going to have to put things...the other day it was the phone book, daily the dogs have to fight you for their water bowls and you have a serious addiction to electrical cords!!! Lordy, girl, that is NOT a good habit, but you come by it honestly, I do believe I almost electrocuted myself when I was a bit older than you, so I've been crafty at hiding cords and making sure to watch you like a hawk!

16 pds
26 inches
Size 2 diapers
6-12 months clothing
Food- same as last month plus sweet potato sticks (you don't seem to like it ground up), prunes, pears, yogurt, cottage cheese, teething biscuits, and like to eat, no doubt about it, your in the right family then! :)
Sleep- well...sometimes you sleep past 6:30am...I've made your bedtime later, about 8pm and it seems to work better for you, but you almost ALWAYS wake up 45 minutes after I lay you down, but only for a second and I don't even have to rock you, but I wonder what's going on with that and you still wake up SEVERAL times a night, you have a hard time comforting yourself. You play so hard during the day I think it's hard for you to relax at night, I also think Mommy has bad habits and she's going to have to change those before you'll change :) Even with the crazy sleep schedule, you are a happy baby and are very generous with the smiles and hugs!

We love you soooo much booger bear!!


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